A Connected Planet Foundation ئاپەکان

MTB - Bourik Itil 5
Bourik Itil (Donkey's Are Useful) A Mother Tongue Books selectionfrom Haiti
ACP Fòm e Koulè an Kreyòl 2
Fòm e Koulè an Kreyòl was developed by AConnected Planet Foundation for use in Haiti in our TabletImplementation Program. Virtually no applications exist in HaitianCreole. So we started building our own applications.The app is very simple. It contains a lesson and a test mode,and will teach you all the basic shapes and colors in HaitianCreole, French and English.In the lesson mode, you use our 'drag and drop' function to selecta shape and a color, and drop it onto our 'canvas' in the center ofthe page. Once a shape (or color) is selected, you will hear thename of that shape (or color), and the name will display at the topof the screen.In the test mode, you will have to drag and drop the correct shapeand color that corresponds to the image displayed. At the end ofthe test, the app will provide you with your score.ACP’s focus is on education apps for young Haitian children.Look for ACP’s other applications about the alphabet, numbers,fruits & vegetables and animals. The graphics depict culturallyrelevant items for the rural areas that we work in. ACP has alsopartnered with the Matenwa Community Learning Center to turn theirHaitian Creole Mother Tongue Books into applications.ACP’s staff and volunteers include professionals from theAcademic, Education, Computer Science, Business,Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Speech Language Pathologysectors.
ACP Bèt an Kreyòl 1.4
Bèt an Kreyòl teaches users Animals in Haitian Creole with picturesand audio.
ACP Fwi e Legim an Kreyòl 3
Fwi e Legim an Kreyòl was developed by AConnected Planet Foundation for use in Haiti in our TabletImplementation Program. Virtually no applications exist in HaitianCreole. So we started building our own applications.The app is very simple. The app has over 40 fruits andvegetables and contains a lesson and a test mode.In the lesson mode, each fruit and vegetable has a picture and asound button, which teaches you how to read and pronounce the word.In the test mode, you will go through all 40+ fruits andvegetables, and will have to touch the correct word (sound button)that corresponds to the image displayed. At the end of the test,the app will provide you with your score.Our focus is on education apps for young Haitian children. Lookfor our other applications about the alphabet, numbers, colors,shapes and animals.Our staff and volunteers include professionals from theAcademic, Education, Computer Science, Business, OperationalPsychology and Speech Language Pathology sectors
MTB - Anmègdan Gen Remèd 1.3
Anmègdan Gen Remèd is A Mother Tongue Books Selection from Haiti.
ACP Nimewo an Kreyòl 2
Nimewo an Kreyòl was developed by A ConnectedPlanet Foundation for use in Haiti in our Tablet ImplementationProgram. Virtually no applications exist in Haitian Creole. So westarted building our own applications.The app is very simple and will teach you all the basics innumbers from 0 to 100+ in Haitian Creole. You will be able to readand learn the numbers in a very short time with nativepronunciation sounds accompanied with the images and their placevalue.ACP’s focus is on education apps for young Haitian children.Look for ACP’s other applications about the alphabet, colors &shapes, fruits & vegetables and animals. The graphics depictculturally relevant items for the rural areas that we work in. ACPhas also partnered with the Matenwa Community Learning Center toturn their Haitian Creole Mother Tongue Books intoapplications.ACP’s staff and volunteers include professionals from theAcademic, Education, Computer Science, Business,Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Speech Language Pathologysectors.
ACP Alfabè Kreyòl 1.5
Alfabè Kreyòl teaches users the Haitian Creole alphabet withpictures and audio.
MTB - Anba yon Bèl Pye Mapou 1.3
Anba yon Bèl Pye Mapou is A Mother Tongue Books Selection fromHaiti.
MTB - Bef ak Kabrit 1.4
Bef ak Kabrit (The Cow and the Goat) A Mother Tongue Booksselection from Haiti
MTB - Chat ak Sourit 1.2
Chat ak Sourit (The Cat and the Mouse) is a wonderful children'sbook, with built in testing, written by the First Grade class atthe Baptist Masikren School, Masikren, Lagonav, Haiti. Thisapplication was developed by Dimitri from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.Dimitri is an intern in the Development Internship component ofACP's Open Educational Resources Development Program(http://aconnectedplanet.org/projects/intern-project). The book ispart of a collection from Mother Tongue Books which is a program atthe Matenwa Community Learning Center (http://matenwaclc.org/) onLagonav. Mother Tongue Books and the Matenwa Community LearningCenter are supported by the Friends of Matenwa(http://www.friendsofmatenwa.org/). Chat ak Sourit was originallywritten in Haitian Creole and has been translated into French andEnglish. Audio in all three languages is provided in theapplication. The Matènwa Community Learning Center provided theHaitian Creole recordings for the application. A Connected PlanetFoundation (ACP) converted the book, developed and built in testinginto the application. Virtually no applications exist in HaitianCreole. So ACP has started building its own applications. ACP’sfocus is on education apps for young Haitian children. Look forACP’s other applications about numbers, colors & shapes, fruits& vegetables and animals. ACP’s staff and volunteers includeprofessionals from the Academic, Education, Computer Science,Business, Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Speech LanguagePathology sectors.
MTB - Kominote se 1.0.0
Kominote se (Community is) A Mother Tongue Books selection fromHaiti
MTB - Batiman 2.3
Batiman (Ferry) is A Mother Tongue Books Selection from Haiti.
Grade 5 for math in English, French and Haitian Creole.
The EDUQUAT-AF2 application is a primary grade educationapplicationdesigned for 2nd graders. It is based on the classroomcurriculumused by the Haitian Ministry of Education. Theapplication works inthree languages: Haitian Creole, French andEnglish. The EDUQUAT-AF2application contains 56 separate lessonsin 6 categories:Numeration, Measures, Operations, MentalCalculations, Geometry andWord problems. The application wasdesigned primarily for use inHaiti but the lessons are applicableto any second grade levelstudent. The EDUQUAT program is managedby the Brothers of ChristianInstruction (Frères de l’InstructionChrétienne (FIC)) in Port auPrince, Haiti. The project is fundedby the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (IADB).
MTB - Amon Plonjon
Amon Plonjon (Amon the Diver) is A Mother Tongue Books Selectionfrom Haiti.
ACP Papa Nou 1.4
Papa Nou teaches the users the 'Our Father' in Haitian Creole
EDUQUAT FR Language Reading 1
EDUQUAT 1AF Reading Application for Grade 1
EDUQUAT FR Language Reading 1
EDUQUAT 1AF Reading Application for Grade 1